I call my new project ("I Love You, Too") audio art. Although it is a "mixtape", I have decided to focus my efforts in a more direct path. When I released "Starlito's Way 2" (SEA Album of the Year) I was reaching. Obviously, people were willing to accept my attempt at something beyond the music. It was as much a movie as an album, just the same as this project is something to be observed and appreciated (hence audio art). As the market suffers, and quantity outweighs quality in the rap world, I want to be lyrical. I was flattered at a compliment I received from one of my comrades. He said, "It's cold how your punchlines/metaphors coincide with you and your life." I thought this was crazy coming from another artist but then I started to realize how much of rap has become a proverbial treadmill. Trends seem to circulate so fast and then become overdone. I'm willing to accept that I might lose some loyalists with my renewed focus on the stories, and the wordplay, and the realities within. The reason I can accept that is because I am comfortable with myself, and my truths. I've done ALOT of stupid stuff in my lifetime, some of which gets glamourized in the music, but at some point none of that will matter. I've also grown to know that there is no force greater than Love. Hardcore "All Star" fans might be delighted to know that this isn't 'love making music' its a project that speaks on my Love for making music. I'm aware that people relate to the things that I say, both positive and negative. I'm also aware that I won't please everyone no matter what I do, so with that being said I'M DOING ME. I'm 20 something and stuck right in between being a full-time intellectual and a statistic. I am both sinner and saint. If I made 'happy-go-lucky' music, I'd be fake, just like to pretend like I don't have serious feelings about serious things would be fake. I really do LOVE what I do. I'm growing as an artist, and I just want you all to witness the growth. If cameras followed me all day, perhaps the world would have a better appreciation for how real and detailed my music articulates MY LIFE. But then again, if cameras followed me all day, I'd probably be in jail. RANDOM.
I do ask a favor of you if you have made it this far and actually read through this: TELL EVERYBODY THAT YOU KNOW TO CHECK THIS CD OUT!
One of your hottest mixtapes. The Joker skits go hard.
It go hard B waddup dis da kid J*Star anutha cashville native well antioch to b exact. My nigga arteell said he gotta an olda brother you used to hoop wit i supposwe his last name mcmillian buh yea he told me to get at ya. If you tryina hear somethin get at me. jayholt74@yahoo.com. Grind Hard
yo star i stand by your music 3010% man i am from MADISON WI.
I have your music popping over hear. You got a very good amount of fans over hear man. I rock your music for the fact that you are more lyrical. In madison if we chill rollin puff and L and we get into the debut between you and weezy yes both of you are very differnt but right now weezy is bigger but in every ones eyes that rocks your music i have met. you out do weezy lyrically. you out do almost any main-stream artist lyrically. ANd no disrespect to WEEZY. he gets almost to much fuckin love in madison. STAR you when you start perfroming live more. MADISON would be like a second home. HOLLA
great tape.
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